Kyrillô thành Alexandria

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English version Kyrillô thành Alexandria

Kyrillô thành Alexandria

Biểu trưng Vested as a Bishop with phelonionomophorion, and usually with his head covered in the manner of Egyptian monastics (sometimes the head covering has a polystavrion pattern), he usually is depicted holding a Gospel Book or a scroll, with his right hand raised in blessing.
Quan thầy của Alexandria
Tôn kính Eastern Orthodox Church
Oriental Orthodoxy
Roman Catholic Church
Eastern Catholic Churches
Sinh k. 376
Mất k. 444
Lễ kính 18 January and 9 June (Eastern Orthodox Church)
27 June (Coptic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Lutheranism)
formerly also on 9 February (Roman Catholic Church, 1882–1969)